Companion Pro:Fuel Gas Butane/Isopropane/Propane Mix with Lindal Valve

For use on a wide range of gas stoves including the JetBoil Flash, Zip, Momo and Sumo, as well as Primus Kinjia, Companion Pro Fuel X2, plus many many more - if it has a screw on type, 99% sure it will be the Lindal Valve. The only other portable stove gas in Australia is the Propane mix with a BOM valve as per the JetBoil Genesis.

The Pro:Fuel 4 season mix has Butane for lightweight travelling and Isobutane and Propane for cold weather performance, the Pro:Fuel Resealable cartridges feature valves which allow the can to be shifted between different appliances, even when there is gas left in the cartridges.

This product is classed as dangerous goods, so we cannot easily ship to all locations - please contact us on (08) 9344 6252 if you would like freight pricing and let's see what we can do!

Check out the Red Roads Protective Leather covers here.

Collections: Fire & Cooking, Trangia

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